Education English

Singular & Plural Nouns – Basic English Grammar (2024)

SINGULAR-to-PLURAL Latest by Stud Mentor
Written by Chetan Darji

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The Complete and Official Information of Singular & Plural Nouns – Basic English Grammar (2024)

Singular & Plural Nouns – Basic English Grammar (2024)

  1. @ Singular Devotes 1 (one)
  2. @ Plural Devotes More Than 1,2,3
personal-pronouns-For Singular & Plural on our Article

#1 Forming Plurals of a noun by adding ‘s’ to the Singular Noun.Forming Plurals of a Noun by Adding ‘s’

  • Girl – Girls
  • Pen – Pens
  • Dog – Dogs
  • Book – Books

#2 Noun Ending with a letter ‘s’ , ‘ch’, or ‘x’ forms the plural by adding ‘es’ to the singular noun.

  • Glass – Glasses
  • Brush – Brushes
  • Box – Boxes
  • Dish -Dishes
  • Fox – Foxes

# 3 Forming Plurals of noun ending with a letter ‘o’ by adding ‘es’ and few words by adding ‘s’ to the Singular.

  • Mango – Mangoes
  • Buffalo – Baffaloes
  • Photo – Photos
  • Piano – Pianos

# 4 Few Nouns form their Plurals by adding ‘en’ or ‘ ren’ to the Singular Noun.

  • Ox – Oxen
  • Child – Children

# 5 Nouns Ending with ‘y’ form their plural by replacing ‘y’ with ‘ies’

  • Butterfly – Butterflies
  • Cherry – Cherries

# 6 Few Nouns are change their Singular by replacing the inside vowels to form a plural

  • Man – Men
  • Goose – Geese
  • Mouse – Mice

# 7 For Words ending with ‘fe’ or ‘f’ have plurals ending with ‘ves’

  • Knife – Knives
  • Wolf- Wolves
  • Shelf – Shelves

# 8 Both Singular and Plural are same for some nouns.

  • Sheep – Sheep
  • Deer – Deer
  • Milk – Milk
  • Money – Money
  • Food -Food
  • Scissors – Scissors

Some Vegetables Singular & Plural

  • Brinjal – Brinjals
  • Pumpkin – Pumpkins
  • Tomato -Tomatoes
  • Orange – Oranges
  • Pea -Peas
  • Apple – Apples

Thanks to Beloved Readers.

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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