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Speech Essay on Jallianwala Bagh Massacre 13 April 2023

Speech Essay on Jallianwala Bagh Massacre 13 April 2023
Written by Chetan Darji

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Speech Essay on Jallianwala Bagh Massacre 13 April 2023

Respected Principal Sir, Teachers and My Dear Friends Good Morning to All

Today I am Give speech about Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, also known as the Amritsar Massacre was a massacre that happened in Amritsar, in 1919. It is named after the Jallianwala Bagh (Temple) in the northern Indian City of Amritsar, Punjab.

On April, 1919 British Indian Army Soldiers started shooting at an unarmed crowd of men, women and children. The person in charge was Brigadier – General Reginald Dyer, the military commander Amritsar.

The Shooting lasted about ten minutes. According to official British Raj sources, 319 people were killed. According to other sources, there were over 1,000 deaths, with more than 2,000 hurt badly, and Civil Surgeon Dr. Smith said that there were 1500 Casualities.

On April 13, 1999, thousands of People gathered there for the Baisakhi Festival which was also the Sikh new Year.

That’s All About Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.

Thanks to All Beloved Readers.

10 Lines on Jallianwala Bagh Massacre – 13 April 2023

  1. One of the deadliest massacres in history was the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in India
  2. This massacre took place on 13 April 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar in Punjab.
  3. Jallianwala Bagh is situated near the Golden Temple of Amritsar.
  4. Thousands of people gathered in a peaceful protest against laws imposed by Britishers.
  5. The Laws like Rowlett Act Created Social Unrest Between Indians.
  6. Many Indian Freedom Fighters were against the Rowlett’s act imposed by Britishers.
  7. British General Reginald Dyer surrounded the garden and fired indiscriminately at everyone.
  8. Many people jumped into the well and many were killed while running for their lives.
  9. There were 379 deaths in the official record, while 1,208 sustained injuries.
  10. This incident ignited the flame of independence and self – government in the whole of India.

Stay Connected Always Beloved Readers.

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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