What is Sahodaya School ?
In 1987, CBSE brought out a publication titled, “Freedom to learn and freedom to grow through Sahodaya School Complexes” (SSCs) which characterized “SSCs” as a voluntary association of schools in a given area, who through mutual choices, have agreed to come together for a systematic and system-wide renewal of the total educational process. In other words as “Sahodaya” signifies rising together, it identified six areas, to begin with, for collaboration amongst schools of its complex:
The Sahodaya School Complexes came into existence in the year 1986 to facilitate synergy of ideas among the schools of CBSE. A Sahodaya School Complex (SSC) is a group of neighborhood schools voluntarily coming together to share their innovative practices in all aspects of school education including curriculum design, evaluation and pedagogy and also holding hands to provide support services to teachers and students.
There is no doubt that much more knowledge is generated when a team or group committed to a common goal undertakes the task of re-modeling and re-fashioning in a spirit of caring and sharing. Thus, Sahodaya introduces the relevance of co-operative learning and collaborative networking. This is further facilitated by the National Annual Conference of Sahodaya School Complexes held every year to provide a bigger platform to share knowledge and critically examine the relevant issues to evolve a viable and effective framework of action.
At present there are more than 250 Sahodaya School Complexes across the country. It is necessary to strengthen the Sahodaya Movement by taking it to remote and unrepresented areas so that good practices can be shared widely across the country.
Creation of a New Sahodaya School Complex
To create a Sahodaya School Complex (SSC) in a city, the neighboring schools can collaborate with each other and follow the below given procedure:

- Five to ten schools which are located geographically close to each other can come together on a voluntary basis to organize themselves into a SSC. The Principal of any one school may convene a meeting of the Principals of all member schools to elect a President, Secretary, Treasurer and other office bearers for a fixed term of two/three years on a rotation basis. They may give a name to their SSC. In one district, there could be more than one SSC depending on the number of schools and geographical locations.
- The members may draw up a set of bye-laws for the SSC delineating the aims of the voluntary body, the functions, duration of office, etc. of office bearers, list of main activities, periodicity of meetings, subscription etc
- An account in a local bank may be opened in the name of the SSC to be operated jointly by any two office bearers. The account should be audited annually and details circulated to all the members.
- A website of the SSC may be developed.
- An action plan for the whole year may be prepared in consultation with all the members. Duties for carrying out different programmes may be allocated among the members
- The members should meet at least once a month to review the activities and take up for discussion any issue of academic nature.
- Once a SSC has been formed, a set of bye laws for the functioning of the SSC drafted and website developed, please register the SSC at the CBSE Sahodaya Portal.
Registration of a New SSC and already existing SSCs
Registration of a New SSC – Once a Sahodaya School Complex has been formed, please register it at the following link:
Registration of Existing SSCs – The active SSCs need to register afresh on the CBSE Sahodaya micro website at the above shared link to streamline the process of registration of SSCs. It is compulsory for all the existing Sahodaya School Complexes to register on the CBSE Sahodaya micro website.
The last date for registration is 30th April 2022. Please note that the Sahodaya School Complexes not registered on the CBSE Sahodaya micro website will be not be recognized by the Board.
Updation of information at regular intervals
Once the SSC has been registered, the SSC has to re-elect its office bearers after every 2 or 3 years (as decided mutually by the members of the SSC) on a rotation basis. The details of the new office bearers have to be updated on the Sahodaya School Complex website and CBSE Sahodaya micro website (http://www.sahodayaschools.org/Sahodaya_New/registration.php).
National Annual Conference of the Sahodaya School Complexes
For hosting the National Annual Conference of the SSCs, the interested SSCs can send their request at the following link:
In case of requests from more than one SSC for a particular year, the Board will select the host Sahodaya School Complex randomly.
For further queries, please email at [email protected]
The Board looks forward to your active participation in this movement and making significant contribution to the collective growth and development of the CBSE family in particular and school education in general.