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CBSE Circular – How to Register National Summit on ‘Facilitating School to Work Transition’ 2023
Recognizing the changing dynamics of the global job market and the need for a more versatile and skilled workforce, the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 accentuates the importance of embedding skillbased learning within the school curriculum. By emphasizing on Vocational/ Skill Education, the policy aims to bridge the historical divide between academic and skill-based streams, ensuring that students are better prepared for real-world challenges, gainful employment, and lifelong learning.
Following the progressive direction set by NEP 2020, CBSE is proud to announce a two-days’ National Summit on the topic, ‘Facilitating School to Work Transition’ as per the following schedule:
As we navigate the pivotal juncture of educational evolution, this event will highlight the essential role schools play in preparing students with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in a constantly changing professional landscape.
Alongwith featuring talks by eminent speakers, policymakers, educationists, industry leaders, and other key stakeholders, this summit will provide an opportunity to students to showcase the work being done in their schools for promoting Skill Education through the Skill Expo. Speakers will also provide insights into upcoming career prospects, essential skill sets, and effective career decision-making as part of the National Guidance Festival (which has been integrated with this National Summit).
Detailed guidelines for participation in the Skill Expo (and participation link) are annexed.
Principals from all affiliated schools of the Board are urged to participate in this summit along with their Skill Coordinator and two students.
For queries and feedback, please send an email to: [email protected]
Guidelines for participation in CBSE Skill Expo – 2023
Dates: 19th & 20th September 2023
Venue: ICAR Auditorium, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi – 110012
Timings: 09:00 AM to 5:00 PM
- Kindly note the change in date of the Skill Expo to be held in Delhi w.r.t. to the CBSE Circular No. Skill-95/2023 dated 14.08.2023.
- The first Skill Expo of 2023 to be held in Delhi was earlier scheduled to be held on 13 September 2023 (as mentioned in the circular) but shall now be held on 19th & 20th September 2023.
- This Skill Expo shall be held as a part of the CBSE National Summit on ‘Facilitating School to Work Transition’
- This first Skill Expo of 2023 to be held in Delhi is open to all schools affiliated with the Board located in India and abroad and not restricted to any Regional Office/COE.
- There is no fee for registering/ participating in the CBSE Skill Expo.
- All schools willing to participate in this Skill Expo to be held in Delhi must register using the link:
- Registration for participation in the Skill Expo closes on 8th September 2023.
- The details of participants must be provided through this Google form alongwith a brief writeup about the exhibit.
- The teams would be required to submit the details of their respective projects (title, description, list of materials used, images, video) within the stipulated time-frame.
- The schools whose exhibits have been selected for displaying in the Skill Expo shall be notified by email (on the email id provided at the time of Registration) by 10th September 2023 thus giving ample time to the participants to prepare their exhibits.
- The participating school/ team would bear all expenses related to participation in the event including lodging/ boarding arrangements at the venue city.
- All queries pertaining to Skill Expo may be emailed to [email protected]
- Skill Expo will be organized at two levels: Regional level, and National level.
- The screening of the entries would be done before the Regional/National level exhibitions.
- Eligibility for participation: The students may participate in any of the 02 categories:
- Category I – Classes 6 to 10
- Category II – Classes 11 to 12
- For the Skill Expo, a School Team will be represented by:
- 1 teacher & 2 students per skill selected
- 1 mentor Skill teacher
- Minimum one and maximum three skills from one school can be exhibited.
- Minimum two teams can be registered by a school, preferably one in each category.
- The names of the students and the mentor teacher, once registered, cannot be changed at any stage of the exhibition.
- The school team(s) participating at Regional and National Level must remain the same.
- The themes/ sub-themes once selected cannot be changed. Similarly, the skill chosen cannot be changed.
Themes and Sub-themes for the Skill Expo shall be:

Thanks to All Beloved Readers.