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CBSE Circular – Integrating Skill Education in schools affiliated 2023
New Year Greetings from CBSE!
With an aim to equip the school students with the relevant employability and entrepreneurial skills, as per the recommendations of NEP 2020, CBSE has taken many initiatives for integrating Skill Education in its affiliated schools. More than 27 lakh students are presently studying Skill Subjects in classes IX-XII in approximately 22,000 affiliated schools.
CBSE is committed towards the development of skills in school students and aims to develop good human beings capable of rational thought and action, possessing compassion, empathy, courage, resilience, scientific temper and creative imagination with sound ethical moorings and values. It aims at making engaged, productive, and contributing citizens for building an equitable, inclusive and plural society as envisaged by our Constitution.
Some of the initiatives taken by the Board are as follows:
Introduction of new Skill Modules
CBSE announced the introduction of Skill Modules for Middle school vide its circular no. 25/2020. Currently CBSE offers 33 Skill Modules for Middle school students. (Updated list is at Annexure I). The following may be noted w.r.t. introduction of Skill Modules in the school:
- All Skill Modules are of 12-15 hours duration.
- 70% of the time duration will be devoted for the hands-on activities and 30% will be used for theory.
- Schools/students are free to opt for one or more of these Skill Module(s).
- Schools/students are free to opt any Skill Module(s) either at class VI / VII or VIII.
- These Skill Modules will also be made available in online self-learning mode. The child can take up the classes online too.
- The assessment of these modules will be school based and will preferably be project based.
- The assessment is to be done by the school as per the criteria/modalities provided by the Board.
- These modules can be offered through the respective Hobby Clubs (if available).
Introduction of new Skill Subjects:

No fee is to be paid by the affiliated schools to CBSE for introducing Skill module/Skill subject at any level.
Application for introducing Skill Subjects/ Skill Modules:
As per the revised Affiliation Bye-laws of the Board, a school does not have to apply separately for introducing any additional subject(s), including Skill subject(s), except Physics, Chemistry and/or Biology. The school shall fill the details in the OASIS form and provide the required details.
However, for adequate handholding, mentoring and training of teachers of the schools that wish to introduce Skill subjects/ Skill Modules w.e.f. the session 2023-2024, the schools should provide the information/ details using the below mentioned links:
Description | Link |
For providing information about the Skill Modules introduced by the school in classes VI– VIII | |
For providing information about the Skill Subjects introduced by the school in class IX | |
For providing information about the Skill Subjects introduced by the school in class XI | |